A correct way to change your Gmail password

  1. Click the Settings button as a gear icon on the top right.
  2. Click the Settings button in the pop-up menu.
    Gmail - 'Settings' button
  3. On the settings page, go to the Accounts and Import tab.
  4. Click the Change password button.
    Gmail - 'Change password' button
  5. You will be redirected to the login page to ensure that you are the owner of the account. Enter the password for the account. If you have two-factor authentication enabled, Google may ask you to use it.
  6. When you've authenticated, you'll be presented with a menu to change your password. Write a new password and, in the second field, confirm it. The password must be new, if you try to enter one of the previous ones, an error message will be displayed.
    Gmail - changing the password
  7. Press the CHANGE PASSWORD button.

Please note that the Gmail password is a universal password for all your Google account. If you change it, it will be changed for other Google services as well.

We recommend changing passwords from time to time, as this is useful from a security point of view. If you want to give someone else access to your mailbox, use backup codes (they only work once). We will surely tell you how to use backup codes in our next article.

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